How to setup log rotation and Webalizer for Apache logs
These instructions are based on my system using Centos 6.3 but should apply pretty generally.
For my CentOS 6.3 system logrotate is already installed and inclued in cron.daily to run every day.
In CentOS packages add log rotation configuration files to /etc/logrotate.d .
There is also a primary log rotation configuration at /etc/logrotate.conf .
If you are using a different distribution or do not have logrotate installed already you will have some extra steps to set that up.
These are some of the values in the configuration along with their defaults in CentOS 6.3
- How frequentyly you want your log files rotated(default weekly)
- How many prior logs you keep(default 4)
- Whether compressed logs are enabled (default off)
- Whether an empty file is created after rotation
To begin, backup all the default configurations so you can go back if you make a mistake.
mkdir ~/logrotate_bak
cp /etc/logrotate.conf ~/logrotate_bak
cp -R /etc/logrotate.d ~/logrotate_bak`
This is the default /etc/logrotate.d/httpd file from my system.
/var/log/httpd/\*log {
/sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
The configuration for Apache httpd assumes that logs all match the pattern
This is not the case for me, so I change this to:
/srv/www/\*log {
/sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
Also, I want to rotate my logs daily and keep 60 days instead of 4 weeks,
so I replace this:
# rotate log files weekly
# keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs
rotate 4
With this:
# rotate log files daily
# keep 60 days of backlogs
rotate 60
You can also specify to rotate the log files when they get to a certain size.
CentOS default already includes the dateext option which includes the date in the old log file’s name, so we want to keep that.
We also want to turn on the compress option to save space. Old logs will be compressed with gzip.
So all in all it looks like this now:
# rotate log files daily
# keep 60 days of backlogs
rotate 60
# create new (empty) log files after rotating old ones
# use date as a suffix of the rotated file
# uncomment this if you want your log files compressed
# RPM packages drop log rotation information into this directory
include /etc/logrotate.d
# no packages own wtmp and btmp -- we'll rotate them here
/var/log/wtmp {
create 0664 root utmp
minsize 1M
rotate 1
/var/log/btmp {
create 0600 root utmp
rotate 1
# system-specific logs may be also be configured here.
We are getting closer, but now we need to tie in Webalizer, but first of course we need to install it.
yum install webalizer
We do not want to use the default cron script for Webalizer so remove that.
rm /etc/cron.daily/00webalizer
We need to setup example directories for each domain. Assuming that /srv/www/ is your document root for your domain.
mkdir -p /srv/www/
We want to place some access control on the Webalizer output so not everyone can view all of our statistics.
Create an .htaccess file in the stats directory for your domain. Or alternately you can configure it directly into your httpd.conf or a config file included by your httpd.conf.
# Place this in /srv/www/\_html/stats/.htaccess
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
# (Following line optional)
AuthBasicProvider file
# This file MUST not be underneath your document root.
AuthUserFile /srv/www/
# Allow anyone added to the passwd file who has their correct password.
Require valid-user
Add users to the password file like so:
htpasswd /srv/www/ mylogin
Also note that Apache httpd.conf files often have “AllowOverride None” directives in them which will make Apache purposefully ignore your .htaccess files. To insure it works, you may need to add something like this to your VirtualHost block for your domain.
# let .htaccess work
AllowOverride all
If you are going to process multiple virtual domains seperately, then you will want to adjust Webalizer’s configuration file, typically in /etc/webalizer.conf, so that it does not keep the incremental data in the same location across domains. To do this change the value of the IncrementalName setting so that it is a relative path and not an absolute path which will cause Webalizer to store it inside the output directory you specify on the command line below.
Test Webalizer directly from the command line before enabling it.
webalizer -n -o /srv/www/ /srv/www/
Check the output at then when satisifed delete it so it does not cause data to be double processed later on.
rm -Rf /srv/www/*
Then we need to update our log rotation settings for httpd so that a prerotate step runs webalizer before thelog file gets compressed by using the prerotate section and the delaycompress option
If you want to handle multiple domains, you will want to write a script to run from logrotate that handles all of them. If you are just handling a single domain then you can put the webalizer command directly into the logrotate configuration file for httpd, like so:
/srv/www/\*log {
/sbin/service httpd reload > /dev/null 2>/dev/null || true
/usr/bin/webalizer -n -o /srv/www/\_html/stats /srv/www/
The sharedscripts line is important, it means prerotate and postrotate scripts are run once only for all files instead of once for each file that matches the pattern.
Here is how you can make a script for running webalizer on all domains. It assumes that you have a directory for each domain underneath /srv/www named the same as the domain itself.
mkdir -p /opt/bin
touch /opt/bin/
chmod +x /opt/bin/`
Edit /opt/bin/ with your favorite editor( reads VIM for me) and set it up like so.
DOMAINS=`ls /srv/www`
for DOMAIN in $DOMAINS; do
echo "Processing $DOMAIN"
/usr/bin/webalizer -n $DOMAIN -o /srv/www/$DOMAIN/public\_html/stats /srv/www/$DOMAIN/logs/access.log
Then replace the prerotate command with
There is more information on this at the FAQ for Webalizer at .
And now you can customize your Webalizer configuration as desired.
- Online version of logrotate man page:
- Webalizer home page:
- Apache web server:
- CentOS:
- Apache web server authentication howto: